If you don't know...Arji Manuelpillai

…Let me introduce you!

Arji Manuelpillai is a poet, performer and creative facilitator based in London. For over 15 years Arji has worked with community arts projects nationally and internationally.

Recently, he was the Jerwood Arvon Mentee mentored by Hannah Lowe. His poetry has been published in magazines including Cannon’s Mouth, Strix, The Rialto and Bath Magg.

He has also been shortlisted for the BAME Burning Eye pamphlet prize 2018, The Robert Graves Prize 2018, The Oxford Prize 2019, The Live Canon Prize 2020, The National Poetry Prize 2021 and Winchester Prize 2021, and was runner-up in the Robert Graves Prize 2020.

Arji is a member of Wayne Holloway-Smith’s poetry group, Malika’s Poetry Kitchen and London Stanza. Arji’s debut pamphlet ‘Mutton Rolls' was published with Out-Spoken Press.

Here's his message to you!

Hey everyone, my name is Arji Manuelpillai. I’m an artist specialising in Poetry. I’ve been working with marginalised groups for over 15 years, creating art with people in prisons, care homes, detention centres and schools nationally and internationally.

During that time I've had the pleasure of meeting an array of talented people. This inspiration has become part of my personal practise as a poet and performer.

Over the years I've been front man for touring band Oojami; I’ve been lead performer for children’s Theatre company A Line Art and I’ve even brought out my own pamphlet of poems. It has been a crazy 20 years working in this world.

Recently, I’m all about poems. I love helping people write poems, discovering the poems inside of them and opening that up. I run online Zoom sessions which have been a real success you can find out about them at
www.arji.org or by following me on twitter @theleano or on Instagram @Arjimanuelpillai.

Also I am running my own Podcast series opening up poetry for a new audience. Each week we are joined by a published poet who shares with us a poem they truly love. Check it out

You can contact me regarding poetry for parties and events or for workshops. Please feel free to have a look at the website