Posts tagged INSPIRATION
The Key to Getting What You Want - according to my mum...

My Mum, Donna Penrose, is a scientist. Between her early twenties through her fifties, she worked in all sorts of labs, and earned a PhD in Molecular Biology.

Not long ago she was talking about scientific work and what makes a scientist. It struck me that the key ingredient to a successful career in science, is applicable to those of us in the arts.

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"100% of the shots you don't take"

When I feel shy or trepidatious about putting myself out there, I think of Alice Munro.

If you’re not familiar, Alice Munro is a Canadian short story writer. Residing, for the most part, in a tiny rural town, her stories were regularly published in the New Yorker, she’s written 14 collections of stories and won umpteen awards including the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2013.

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Put Your Bum in a Seat: How Getting Yourself to the Theatre Will Transform Your Work.

I often hear theatre artists say that they hate theatre. They don’t feel like going. They’re sick of it. They don’t like anything they see.

Full disclosure: I have 110% been there and said those things. And I still struggle with those feelings.

Sometimes when you’re hard at it, grinding it out, going to the theatre is a royal pain in the ass.

That being said, I believe firmly that regularly getting yourself to the theatre will transform your artistic practice and your business savvy for the better.

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